Archivos de autor: dambil
If it is not true it is not interesting

Inteview to Richard Lewontin Published in El Aromo nº43, July/August 2008 CEICS: -Why did you choose biology as a research field? Was the election related with political influences or the environment of social struggle in USA? Which were your major intellectual and/or political influences? Lewontin: -I became a professional biologist …
«The Gaza massacre hasn’t fundamentally altered the regional balance of forces»
Interview to Norman Finkelstein by Fabián Harari. Published in El Aromo Norman Finkelstein is a historian specialized in the analysis of Zionism. He is son of Jewish Holocaust survivors. His two most important (Beyond Chuztpah and The Holocaust Industry) explain how Zionism used the Holocaust to justify its policy. Finkelstein …
The debt is not the problem
By Juan Kornblihtt – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) The fight between the government and the opposition for the so-called Bi-centennial Fund and whether the money should come from the funds held by the state or the central bank’s reserves, shows the programmatic coincidence of interests of the two sides. The …
Putting the blame on Imperialism
On the development of the automotive industries in Argentina and Brazil and foreign companies. By Ianina Harari – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) The theory of imperialism can sometimes be a good excuse to justify ignorance. There have been attempts at explaining the economic problems in countries of late development by …
International Competition and Foreign Debt. The absolute (dis)advantages and limits of capital accumulation in Argentina

By Fernando Dachevsky – OME (Observatorio Marxista de Economía) – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) Why are there rich and poor countries? A common question, with no obvious answer. From the perspective of economic theory, in its different versions, all countries are presented as if, in themselves, they had the possibility …
Fantasies of the Past. What the “imports subsitution industrialization” was, and what it wasn’t

Damián Bil OME – CEICS (Marxist Economics Observatory – Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) During the second half of the 19th century, Argentina inserted itself in the world market as an exporter of agricultural products. The soil fertility, the abundance of ample extensions of land close to …
Sour Sweetness. The Left attacks the heart of Argentine capitalism
By Santiago Ponce LAP (Political Analysis Lab) – CEICS (Center for Study and Research in Social Sciences) One of the arguments usually put forth by the enemies of the working class is that the left does not win elections and has a minimal presence in the workers’ movement. In the …
The first incumbency. Social decomposition and class struggle in Gaza
Gaceta Literaria
Gaceta Literaria Este material pudo ser digitalizado gracias a un subsidio provisto por el Fondo Nacional de las Artes Estudio introductorio: “La cultura progresista durante el posperonismo, Gaceta Literaria (1956- 1960)” Parte 1º – números 1 al 10 Click para acceder a los números de Gaceta Literaria digitalizados Parte 2º …