Archivos de autor: Ezequiel Flores
Divided and defeated – By Federico Genera
Divided and defeated Last presidential elections marked the begining of the end for the political alliance which governed the country for more than a decade. Kirchnerism is becoming part of the past: its political staff began running away and the breaks soon arrived. In this article we examine the details …
Nicolás Villanova sobre los límites del capitalismo argentino. En Río Negro (17/06/16)
“It’s finished” – by Nicolás Grimaldi
Translated by Alejo Stark The chavista government has given all it is capable of giving. The published “official” statistics confirm that the condition of the working class has gone from bad to worse under the governance of a State that has benefited both national and foreign capital. If the working …
New and strange hairdos – By Nadia Bustos
Translated by Alejo Stark Even though Hillary has the lead in the Democratic Party primaries (and also in the general election), Sanders’ popularity cannot be overlooked. In particular, it represents a shift towards the left of a significant part of the electorate. The advances made by the two candidates who …
Fabián Harari sobre la crisis política en Brasil. En Brasil 247 (25/05/16)
Nico Grimaldi entrevistado sobre la crisis en Brasil y su impacto sobre la relación con Argentina. En iProfesional (23/05/16)
Nico Grimaldi entrevistado sobre la crisis en Brasil y su impacto sobre la relación con el gobierno de Macri. En iProfesional (23/05/16)
Nuevo escándalo en Brasil: voltean a un importarte ministro, a poco de asumir Romero Jucá, nombrado en Planificación por Michel Temer, se vio obligado a pedir licencia tras divulgarse un audio que lo implicaría en el caso Petrobras. El ministro de Planificación de Brasil, Romero Jucá, anunció que dejará temporalmente …
Sebastián Cominiello entrevistado sobre el significado de los escraches. En Uni Visión Noticias (05/05/16)
“Caradura. ¡Te robaste todo!” : El país que inventó el escrache vuelve a amenazar con él a sus políticos Funcionarios macristas y kirchneristas son víctimas de esta modalidad de protesta. Las razones de una sociedad dividida y desencantada con su clase política. La imagen se viralizó en pocos minutos y fue …
Prelude to Storm- By Damian Bil
The economic measures taken by Macri appear to break with the kircherist inheritance. Beyond the different social alliances behind each political framework, the measures were not marked by supposedly opposing economic programs (wich are not really that) but by the world economic situation. Damian Bil (OME-CEICS) The various signs of …