Costureras, monjas y anarquistas. Trabajo femenino, Iglesia y lucha de clases en la industria del vestido, Buenos Aires 1890-1940 (Silvina Pascucci)

Otros libros sobre clase obrera: *Bil, Damián (2007). Descalificados. Proceso de trabajo y clase obrera en la rama gráfica (1890-1940). Ediciones ryr: Buenos Aires. *Kabat, Marina (2005). Del taller a la fábrica. Proceso de trabajo, industria y clase obrera en la rama del calzado(Buenos Aires, 1870-1940). Ediciones ryr: Buenos Aires. …

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Del Taller a la Fábrica. Industria y clase obrera en la rama del calzado, Buenos Aires 1870-1940 (Marina Kabat)

Otros libros sobre clase obrera: *Bil, Damián (2007). Descalificados. Proceso de trabajo y clase obrera en la rama gráfica (1890-1940). Ediciones ryr: Buenos Aires. *Pascucci, Silvina (2007). Costureras, monjas y anarquistas. Trabajo femenino, Iglesia y lucha de clases en la industria del vestido (Bs. As., 1890-1940). Ediciones ryr: Buenos Aires.

The sectarians are blinded by their hatred of Chávez. This immediately brings them into conflict with the aspirations of the masses

Interview to Alan Woods. Published in Razón y Revolución n°18, 2008. Q: Which is the strategy of imperialism to Latin America? Who are fighting against it and how? AW: All over Latin America the masses are stirring. This finds a reflection on the electoral plane. In Paraguay the Colorados were …

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«The Gaza massacre hasn’t fundamentally altered the regional balance of forces»

Interview to Norman Finkelstein by Fabián Harari. Published in El Aromo Norman Finkelstein is a historian specialized in the analysis of Zionism. He is son of Jewish Holocaust survivors. His two most important (Beyond Chuztpah and The Holocaust Industry) explain how Zionism used the Holocaust to justify its policy. Finkelstein …

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The debt is not the problem

By Juan Kornblihtt – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) The fight between the government and the opposition for the so-called Bi-centennial Fund and whether the money should come from the funds held by the state or the central bank’s reserves, shows the programmatic coincidence of interests of the two sides. The …

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International Competition and Foreign Debt. The absolute (dis)advantages and limits of capital accumulation in Argentina

By Fernando Dachevsky – OME (Observatorio Marxista de Economía) – (Translated by Leonardo Kosloff) Why are there rich and poor countries? A common question, with no obvious answer. From the perspective of economic theory, in its different versions, all countries are presented as if, in themselves, they had the possibility …

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